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Discover true entertainment by bringing your favourite title games such as GTA V or Call Of Duty at the palm of your hands. Expanding the library of games we are introducing such as Flash and Java games that are straight from your favourite free internet game websites such as and and play thousands upon thousands of games complealty  free.

we find that staying connected with your freinds while gaming and staying up to date with there current achievments and goals, so we would like to introduce an Operating System called TechnOS. TechnOS is a lightweight yet powerful OS. Showing of a sleek UI and easy navigation functions you can easily browse to where your destination. We are also going to be integrating a gaming social network within the OS so you can stay up to date with the latest gaming news from your friends with our own customisable news feed. Create clans and fight against one another and rank yourself in the world leading clans. Upload and share your gameplay to your freinds and other social networks such as YouTube and FaceBook. 

TechnOS Operating System

Thousands and thousands of games at the palm of your hands

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